Published inTowards Data ScienceDonut Plot with Matplotlib (Python)Let’s start by praising visualizations with a very famous English language adage. It’s cliche but dead on.Jun 12, 2019Jun 12, 2019
Published inTowards Data ScienceLogistic Regression on MNIST with PyTorchLogistic regression is used to describe data and to explain the relationship between one dependent binary variable and one or more nominal…Apr 27, 20193Apr 27, 20193
Published inTowards Data ScienceA look into GLTR (using GPT-2)The field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) has advanced greatly in the last year with the release of BERT model [1], which has…Apr 21, 2019Apr 21, 2019
Published inTowards Data ScienceAudio Classification with Pre-trained VGG-19 (Keras)In this post, I’ll target the problem of audio classification. I’ll train an SVM classifier on the features extracted by a pre-trained…Apr 20, 20195Apr 20, 20195
Published inTowards Data ScienceLinear Regression with PyTorchLinear Regression is an approach that tries to find a linear relationship between a dependent variable and an independent variable by…Apr 20, 20196Apr 20, 20196
Published inTowards Data SciencePostmortem of Artificial Neural Networks using PyTorchMy first interaction with Machine Learning was when I needed to complete an assignment, and I just searched the internet for ways of using…Apr 15, 2019Apr 15, 2019
Published inTowards Data SciencePyTorch FundamentalsPyTorch is one of the most famous deep learning frameworks out there. I personally prefer PyTorch because of its pythonic nature. It's…Apr 15, 20191Apr 15, 20191
Published inTowards Data ScienceSentiment Preserving Word EmbeddingsWord embedding Is a technique which maps words into a space using continuous value vectors such that the words which have similar contexts…Feb 20, 20191Feb 20, 20191
Reverse Image Search: Finding Conceptually Similar ImagesMost of you guys would’ve used Google Image Search or TinEye to find images similar to that of your query. This process is termed as…Feb 15, 20192Feb 15, 20192
Reinforcement Learning for Relation Classification from Noisy DataThis blog post aims at explaining the paper on a high level.Feb 15, 2019Feb 15, 2019